These tools use AI to generate ideas and strategies to support a few common inclusive learning needs. They are experimental - see how you go and get in touch with me if you have any thoughts or feedback. Please use your own experience, insight and ethics when using these tools: the results produced will vary and are based on a computer trying to think like a human and solve your request. Tinker and take away whatever you find useful. If you have ideas for any other tools, please let me know.

I recently delivered a webinar on Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education - you can view the recording here.

New: quarterly journal

For 2024, I’ve launched a new free quarterly Substack journal. Join me for a deep dive into AI, neurodiversity, psychogeography, music, and philosophy. Engage with themes that intertwine personal knowledge management with the richness of human experience and creativity.

Craig is a teacher and consultant for special education, accessibility and technology. He is currently a national manager of an Australian autism education project and has in recent years delivered seminars in Dubai, United Nations workshops in Shanghai, masterclasses in South Africa and Singapore and speaking tours of New Zealand. Outside of education he is a recognised composer, author and photographer. He lives in Hamilton with his wife and two children.

I’m funding the running of these AI tools from my own pocket because I want to make them easily accessible to everyone. If they stop working for the month, it’s because I’ve hit my personal budget limit for costs. Any donation you can make will help keep these tools running longer, if not only for yourself then for others who benefit from them ♡
